Club Leadership
The AWCH is completely run by volunteers! We are thankful for our board members, board-appointed positions, and all our volunteers, who dedicate their time and talent to help our club run smoothly and facilitate our charitable efforts. If you are interested in taking on a leadership or board-appointed position or just want to get more involved, please contact our president.
Meet the Board
Our board members are elected each year at our Annual General Meeting. The AWCH board is comprised of three executive board members, President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, and up to nine other officers, which together govern the club. The executive members legally represent the club and are registered with the Hamburg government. Board meetings are held once a month.

Board-Appointed Positions and Representatives
We have several board-appointed officers and representatives that perform essential functions and represent our club. Finally, we have a wonderful group of leaders that run each of our "clubs within our club".