A century after the passage of the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, it’s worth remembering why suffragists had to fight so hard, and who was fighting against them - and remind ourselves that the work is not yet finished. Who was Alice Paul?? Learn more about this forceful suffragist who pushed the 19th Amendment out of its 42-year "sleep" to finally become a reality.
Join us to celebrate Equality Day, August 26th, at 19:00 with a private streaming of the historical drama film Iron Jawed Angels directed by Katja von Garnier. This suspenseful film is the story of what our foremothers sacrificed to give us the right to VOTE!
Register here: https://www.awchamburg.org/activities/activities-calendar/icalrepeat.detail/2020/08/26/1396/243/equality-day-film-event.html