Join us for two Easter events specifically for families and kids (but all ages welcomed)! Both events are socially distanced, require creativity, and get you outside.

Grab your colors and eggs and get creative! Your imagination is the limit! Decorate your Easter eggs and send us a photo of your winner. Submit your photo by Monday, April 5th to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The winners will be published on the AWCH Facebook and Instagram channels.

Join in the fun of our outdoor spring scavenger hunt with prizes to be won! It’s simple to participate: Download and print the AWCH Spring Scavenger page and go outside in search of the wonders that spring brings! Feel free to color in the items once they've been spotted. Submit a photo of yourself and/or your family holding the completed list by Saturday, April 3rd to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The winners will be published on the AWCH Facebook and Instagram channels.
Download the scavenger hunt here: