FAWCO is delighted to announce the appointment of Laura L. (AWC Hamburg) to the FAWCO Finance Committee. Laura's extensive financial background and professional experience will be great assets to the Committee, and we appreciate her contributing her time and expertise to help keep FAWCO's finances on track.
Dear members,
It was great seeing so many of you with friends at family at our Independence Day Celebration on the other side of the Elbe River.
Thanks to almost 60 people for joining our celebrations at the BallinStadt Auswanderermuseum. I think it's easy to say: we had a ...
Please remember to register for our upcoming lecture on May 24th, 2017 at 7pm.
At the Amerikahaus Mércia C. Silva, Executive Secretary of InPACTO, Institute Pacto Nacional pela Erradição do Trabalho Escravo will talk about:"Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings in Supply Chains Through Government Practices and Measures”
The American Women's Club e.V. invites you to join us for our annual Independence Day Celebration. Join us for a fun-filled day with food, family and friends. This year we will travel by ferry through the Hamburg harbor to the emigration museum BallinStadt. We will hear a lecture ...
Please register for the upcoming event:
Michael Kimmel: The Gender Equality Advantage & Panel Discussion
Datum:15. Mai 2017 Zeit:19:00 bis 21:00 Ort:Bucerius Law School, Helmut Schmidt Auditoriumby Dr. Michael Kimmel, Katharina Fegebank and Deborah Steinborn.