Starts October 7

Apparently this was required reading for most German kids. Kästner wrote “Konferenz der Tiere” in the aftermath of WWII, pleading for a world that can live in freedom and with humor. Sounds great, I have to put this on my kids list! The plot in this film has been updated to fit the new millennium audience and the message is still a wonderful one. I like childrens films when they disguise a positive message under cute ground hogs and silly buffaloes that fight with rhinoceroses. It is a worth-while film to go with the family. And, the music is superb – Beach Boys, Hokey-Pokey, King of the Road. We were all entertained. I asked the 3 boys I was with to give me some comments (and they all rated it 5 stars!):
Leon: I liked the rhinos and buffalo fight because it looked very cool with my 3D glasses on, the buffalo snot came right out in front of my eyes.
Toby: Best was when the ground hog threw a rock on the dam and broke the wall and all the animals could have drink water again. (Can I get an “ahhh”?!)
Timmy: I liked it because it was too funny! The rhino and buffalo dance was too funny.