Norway 2012
Starts November 14, 2013
Directed by: Nils Gaup
Writing credits: Kamlla Krogsveen
Cast: Vilde Zeiner, Anders Baasmo Christansen, Agnes Kittelsen
Length: 80 minutes

Here comes a Norwegian Christmas tale painted like a holiday postcard. It is an old fashion classical tale where the queen was killed, the princess is missing, and the sad king has asked his advisers to search for the missing Christmas star which should be high in the sky watching over the town’s people. The story opens with Sonja escaping from a band of thieves and making her way to the castle. She somehow ends up being accepted by the king who is also sitting among a group of corrupt advisors. Feeling his sadness, she agrees to accept the responsibility of searching for the star. Plunging into an adventure where she meets a bear, the north wind, and Santa Claus while at the same time she must outwit an evil count, a witch and her daughter. It is a fairytale and adventure wrapped into one. You feel like you should be sitting in front of a fireplace with a nice hot chocolate while watching this magical tale unveil before your eyes. This is a must-see film for families during the Christmas season. It captures that lost beauty of that old fashion spirit. (
Shelly S.)