Japan 2011
Starts November 21, 2013
Directed by: Goro Miyazaki
Writing credits: Hayao Miyazaki, Keiko Niwa, Tetsurô Sayama and Chizuru Takahashi comic
Cast: Animation
Length: 91 minutes

The animation is done mostly in the traditional hand-drawn technique, each frame proof of extraordinary attention to detail and the painterly talent of the creators (Studio Ghibli). The story is not very strong; nevertheless I was enchanted by the quiet and deliberate way it is being told, the natural pleasantness of the characters and the magical visuals. Perplexing is that several main characters were given Caucasian features and look confusingly alike with their round eyes and upturned noses, while individuals in crowds—in the student assembly for example—are shown with wonderful variety and different expressions. ( )