USA 2014
Starts February 6, 2014
Directed by: José Padilha
Writing credits: Joshua Zetumer screenplay, Edward Neumeier & Michael Miner 1987 screenplay
Cast: Joel Kinnaman, Douglas Urbanski, Abbie Cornish, Gary Oldman
Length: 117 minutes

Now, let’s come to the other fun part. When Robocop is all ready, geared up and showing what he’s got, the doctor who created him (Oldman) says: “Alex believes he is in control”, because when in battle, the machine inserts data into his brain giving him the “illusion of a free will”. Yea, I know. Old dilemma. Make intelligent machines, then the intelligent machines take over, yada, yada, yada. I mean, we have all watched The Matrix, right? So what if I tell you that we won’t have to wait until that Armageddon if we use science that is already at our disposal today? In this case, I am talking about chemistry. So what makes people into good little tin soldiers? Obedience! Just imagine: Robocop learns about his own “murder” after getting the complete police database downloaded into his system. Since he still has emotions, he gets overwhelmed, then angry and starts having a seizure.
Thank goodness, there is a way to override the natural stress response: tune down the neurotransmitter dopamine, rev up the neurotransmitters adrenaline and noradrenaline and you’ve got an emotionally dull (dopamine) but very alert and focused killing machine (adrenaline and noradrenaline). If you think this is science fiction, think again. Desoxyn, an FDA- approved drug, has been used for patients with ADHD and obesity. But, in a larger scale, it has also been given to soldiers since WW II. It turns up dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline, but lowers serotonin. In larger doses, it basically suppresses your natural feelings in favor of a violent and amped up mood. If you still can’t picture what I am talking about, think crystal meth, Desoxyn’s illegal and identical twin (I totally love the fact that Robocop’s first big blow is to take down a crystal meth lab). So who is the perfect slave: man or machine? In Robocop, a “robophobic” senator wisely states that “since a machine does not feel what it is like to be human, it should not be permitted to take human life”. Good, but missed point, I would say. ( )