USA 2014
Starts April 24, 2014
Directed by: Tom Gormican
Writing credits: Tom Gormican
Cast: Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Imogen Poots, Mackenzie Davis, Jessica Lucas
Length: 94 minutesPoor Mikey! His wife Vera is having an affair with Harold. What went wrong, after all Mikey did everything right: married his one great love, studied medicine, worked diligently to become a successful physician in order to provide. His friends, Jason and Daniel, say, “There is always a Harold,” and, full of sympathy, help him to recover from grief with their own medicine, namely, night clubs, bars, and one-night stands. They swear to stay unattached as a signal of solidarity. Thus follow 90 more minutes of 20-something men and their experiences in the world of love, sex, dating, misunderstandings, guy talk, prostitutes, relatives, and, not surprisingly, happiness.
Director Tom Gormican has successfully portrayed in this, his first film, the frustrating world of dating and discovering oneself from the male viewpoint, all in New York City. I enjoyed seeing Gramercy Park, the inside of NYC apartments, and tree-lined side streets. Viewers in this age group will surely recognize themselves. Older viewers can decide if the plot sometimes gets out of hand, e.g.: the use of tanning crème, or an inappropriate costume or “horizontal peeing.” I would love to see it again in English simply to work out the vocabulary after hearing it first in German. The cast is perfect, especially the guys: Zac Efron, newcomer Miles Teller, and Michael B. Jordan (from Fruitvale Station). ( )
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