USA 2014
Starts November 13, 2014
Directed by: Rob Reiner
Writing credits: Mark Andrus
Cast: Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Sterling Jerins
Length: 93 minutesOren Little (Douglas) is an obnoxious realtor who does not have a kind word or action for anyone. Oren’s driving goal is to make a final house sale, pack up, retire to a secluded location and be left alone. His neighbour, Leah (Keaton), could not be more different. She is a sunny, welcoming person who seeks out human contact and enjoys the life she leads. Their paths are soon forced together when Oren’s estranged son leaves his 9- year-old granddaughter (Jerins) in his care. He is both uninterested and unwilling to take responsibility for his previously unknown granddaughter and Leah is soon enlisted to support her ornery neighbour. These two opposites, widow/widower, sixty something’s soon find that life is presenting them with a second chance.
Diane Keaton making her way through the awkward, second-time-around moments are worth a look, we can after all, relate to the awful flirting, first kiss and beyond moments this film depicts. However, the second-chance-at-life theme, flows a little too freely through this film, making it a little too predictable. A sweet, mildly amusing film you shall not be disappointed with Diane Keaton, if you are a fan. ( )
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