Spain | UK | France 2015
Opening April 30, 2015
Directed by: Pierre Morel
Writing credits: Don MacPherson, Jean-Patrick Manchette, Pete Travis
Principle actors: Sean Penn, Jasmine Trinca, Javier Bardem, Mark Rylance, Ray Winstone, Idris Elba

This espionage thriller’s, based on Jean-Patrick Manchette's The Prone Gunman, forte is action. Director Pierre Morel lets tension build as the characters’ interwoven stories emerge, as the adrenalin-heightening hunt intensifies, as the players multiply and advance. Penn credibly conveys the honed veteran and its flip side, as Bardem is an amalgamation of adroitness and madness. Rylance’s cunning, Elba’s astute restraint, and Winstone’s winsome dependability add vivacity to the rather common plot. Trinca controls her part nicely, considering the relationship angle plays second fiddle. With Flavio Martínez Labiano’s admirably sinister camerawork, commendable editing by Frédéric Thoraval, and Marco Beltrami’s approbatory music, watching this cat-and-mouse struggle assures an energy-packed encounter. Length: 115 minutes. ( )