Germany 2015
Opening April 2, 2015
Directed by: Tommy Krappweis
Writing credits: Tommy Krappweis, Sebastian B. Voss
Principle actors: Lilian Prent, Jan Josef Liefers, Esther Schweins, Christoph Maria Herbst, Eva Habermann, Alex Simon, Carin C. Tietze, Joseph Hannesschläger, Leonie Tepe

And here we come to the main part of the story. She learns that she is a Spakona or a Seer which does allow her to climb into her visions, where she faces characters from northern German mythology like Siegfried and Loki and Sigyn. She hangs out in the Middle Ages, still dressed like a 21st century teenager, where she rescues Loki’s magic bowl. Loki, poor thing, is tied to a rock by the intestines of the brother that he killed and the magic bowl must be held over his head at all times. Or there is the imprisonment of Loki’s wife Sigyn. Or how about the sudden appearance of a dragon, looking like an overstuffed crocodile, followed by Siegfried on a horse, who instantly takes off his shirt to show off his biceps – Siegfried’s – not the horse’s.
Mara learns much from her medieval visits which give her strength to solve her much harder private problems. Along the way she teams up with a new friend, Dr. Reinhold Weissinger, professor for Germanic Mythology. He is played by Jan Josef Liefers, known for his role as Professor Karl-Friedrich Boerne, head of the morgue in a popular TV Tatort series. Liefers is so good that he almost turns into a second Robert Downey Jr. The story is fun simply because it presents medieval ideas which we may have considered, but didn’t really know much about. It encourages us to do some serious study of the Götterdämmerung and the Nibelungenlieder. Krappweis is an author, musician, actor and moderator, as well as a film director. He wrote the original book Mara und der Feuerbringer in 2009. It is the first of a trilogy, so that we can look forward to seeing more of Mara. ( )