Germany 2014
Opening May 28, 2015
Directed by: Ingo Haeb
Writing credits: Ingo Haeb
Principle actors: Vicky Krieps, Lena Mauzemis, Steffen Münster, Christian Aumer, Christine SchornLynn is an introverted girl who methodically cleans rooms in the Eden Hotel. We know that she has an ex-boyfriend, that she visits her mother in the hospital, plays Sudoku, has a computer, and visits a psychiatrist. She has no contacts with the guests, except for a curiosity about their clothes in the closets. Her precise rubbing and smoothing, and checking make her truly exceptional. For Lynn it’s an art and she says, “The best part about cleaning is that it gets dirty all over again.” Therefore, it is surprising that every Wednesday Lynn hides under the bed to eavesdrop on the guests. She hears a man phoning his wife, sees a women putting on her stockings, a man playing a game on TV, and then there is Ludwig making love to Chiara, a successful prostitute, who meets her customers in this hotel. Lynn is full of awe for Chiara and they establish a kind of friendship – a first for Lynn, who until this point has remained hidden. They meet privately and the story takes a lesbian swing to soft pornography.
This seems to be a time for German films about special woman. Recently we had Hedi Schneider steckt fest and also Dora – Oder the sexuellenNeurosen unserer Eltern. Lynn is the more complicated and differentiated of these three main characters. This is partly due to the original book Das Zimmermädchen by Markus Orths, but mostly due to the excellent portrayal of Lynn by Vicky Krieps, who won best actress at the Munich Film Festival where the jury said that she doesn’t “play” Lynn – she “is” Lynn. The film also won prizes in Montreal. Das Zimmermädchen Lynn is especially appropriate for people who see films as something more than superficial entertainment, who appreciate ideas to think about. ( )
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