July 2, 2015
Opening July 2, 2015
Directed by: Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin
Writing credits: Brian Lynch
Principle actors: Chris Renaud, Pierre Coffin, Sandra BullockThe first impression that we have of the minions was in the film Despicable Me where we were amazed at the creativity of the characters and fell in love with these little yellow bullet-sized beings who were there for their boss. Now, three films later, the minions play a major role and the villains are no longer the main interest. Was this a good decision? Can the minions pull it off? The script begins with the beginning of time and shows the evolution of the minions and their need to fullfil their service of helping a boss to success. Unfortunately, the bosses survive and much of it may be due to Darwin’s theory or the wrong aid that the minions are providing; Nevertheless, these little yellow pills manage to become bored and have nothing to keep them going. Three have the initiative to take off and search for a new beginning which leads them to Scarlet Overkill and her husband Herb where they plan to steal the jewel crowns from the queen. Although there are moments of sweet and cute moments the overall story is stereotypical and lacks any creative expression that the original film contained. I can imagine this will be a box-office hit because the minions are cute but the story is so pathetic that it hits a new low. My only hope is there won’t be a Minions 2 showing up next year. Animation ( )
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