USA 2015
Opening August 13, 2015
Directed by: Judd Apatow
Writing credits: Amy Schumer
Principle actors: Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Brie Larson, Colin Quinn, John Cena, Tilda Swinton, LeBron James, Vanessa BayerAmy (Schumer) writes for S’Nuff Magazine under the direction of her boss Diane (Swinton). The team of journalists meets regularly to discuss upcoming articles and Amy is assigned to research and interview Dr. Aaron Connors (Hader) about his work treating exceptional athletes, e.g., professional basketball players. Privately she is a single woman, whose life is a train wreck (as expressed in the original U.S. title). She has no goal except to sniff drugs and sleep with anyone available, which we have opportunity to observe frequently. Outside of the office and one-night stands, she meets up with her sister Kim (Larson). They sort through their father’s belongings, e.g., his collection of snow globes, while he fades away in a home. Contrary to Amy, Kim leads a conventional life with a husband and children. Amy was perhaps influenced by their father who is alcoholic, racist and homophobic; he thinks one should be tough and take whatever one can get out of life. She is not thrilled to interview Dr Connors, who admires Doctors without Borders, and enjoys sports which she considers daft, especially sports which feature black basketball players and cheerleaders.
You can guess the ending and, until then, you will enjoy many running jokes. Ms. Schumer said that parts of the plot are autobiographical. You might even recognize yourself in some small way. Although all of the actors are exceptional, one actor to watch in the future is Ezra Miller, who plays a young office apprentice. He has about four minutes of genius acting towards the end; you might remember him as Kevin in We Need to Talk about Kevin. Amy Schumer might be familiar from her American television comedy show Inside Amy Schumer, which she writes, as she also did for this film – a very talented girl. Professional basketball player Lebron James plays himself. And then there are wonderful shots of New York City, as well as the sound track which features Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl.” Try to see it in English to enjoy every little subtle reference. ( )
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