USA 2016
Opening March 3, 2016
Directed by: Byron Howard, Rich Moore
Writing credits: Jared Bush, Phil Johnston
Principle actors: Animation: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Shakira, Idris Elba, Kristen Bell, J.K. SimmonsJudy Hopps (Goodwin) is convinced that she is “not a dumb bunny“, no matter what others might think of her. To pursue her dream of becoming Zootopias’ first Rabbit Cop she moves to the big animal city to find out that the police badge alone will not help her make her dream come true. To prove herself to the chief (Elba) she gets the chance to solve a mysterious case of predator-kidnappings that has kept the police department up for weeks. To do so she tricks the con man Nick Wild (voiced by Bateman), a fox, into helping her, who takes every chance he gets to sabotage Judy’s effort. As known natural enemies, Judy and Nick struggle with their depending on each other to get out of their difficult situations only to find out that sometimes you might have to liberate yourself from the chains of stereotypes and prejudice to find out that the sheepish allies might be the real wolves in disguise.
Zootopia is a beautiful tale of friendship, courage and believing in yourself and yet another great Disney Movie able to compete with the classics of former Disney glory.
Disney Animations created and amazing world for all animals in which it is possible for small rodents to live together with giant elephants and polar bears even work for mice. It is an adventure for every age group; especially the grown-ups will fall in love with the modern Zootopia World which was inspired by our own urban jungle, up to the last detail. The question of Minorities (the predators) and shallow stereotypes seems as up to date as just possible in our current lives where the topic of refugees, minorities and prejudice towards them are daily news.
All together a perfect cute movie. ( )
This uplifting Disney animated feature begins in Bunny Burrow at the Carrot Days county fair where a small-town cottontail, Judy Hopps (Goodwin), horrifies her docile parents by sharing her big dream to become the first police rabbit in the big city Zootopia, a profession considered exclusively for the larger species in the animal kingdom.
We watch her train, with a wink to Hillary Swank in Million Dollar Baby, and work hard, with high social ideals to graduate valedictorian of her class, a possible nod to another Hillary, then Hillary Rodham (Clinton) at Wellesley, which count among the many witty references though out the film.
Landing a job with the ZPD the petite Judy is ignored by water buffalo Police Chief Bogo (Elba), a fun but exact copy of Fire Chief Boden on TV’s Chicago Fire, who refuses to give her a case, only meter maid duty, waiting for her to leave the force. She surprises all by solving a major problem in the city, and tames a local petty criminal, the foxy Nick Wilde (Bateman), with whom a buddy movie, Zootopia 2, is sure to follow.
The animation was spectacular, with lots of wide landscapes, contrasting their differences, just as the different animals living together in Zootopia, never preachy, a wonderful family film. My favorites were the perfect movements of the tiger go-go boys dancing around Gazelle (Shakira) as she sang the film’s main song “Try Everything”. Keep your eye on those tigers!