The Netherlands 2014
Opening April 7, 2016
Directed by: Margien Rogaar
Writing credits: Tijs van Marle, Margien Rogaar
Principle actors: Kees Nieuwerf, Julian Ras, Bart Teuten, Nijs Vermin, Yuri van Dam, Tijn Ras, Amy Kitchiner
Ziggy (Nieuwerf) and Bas (Ras) are best friends and look forward to companionship in a summer camp before Ziggy goes off to a different school (Gymnasium), where he must learn Latin. The camp offers a popular competition: who can build the best tree house? The winners are then “kings” of the tree house (Baumhauskönige)? Ziggy and Bas have no doubts of an imminent success, having won this competition in the past, and having already secretly collected the best lumber for the job. Naturally, all goes wrong. Bas joins up with the so-called “in” group of boys called Team Cola and Ziggy must stick with his little brother Fin, in a different team. Suddenly the two close friends are rivals, not only in competition, but also for the attention of Elena (Kitchiner).
The young actors are excellent in portraying the realities of mobbing, loyalty, and the problems of growing up. Most excellent are the fantastic tree houses that arise as the story develops. Let’s have more of those in real life! Baumhauskönige showed at several children’s film festivals including in Hamburg at the Michel Kinder und Jugend Filmfest, 2014. ( )