Germany 2017
Opening November 9, 2017
Directed by: Julia Keller
Writing credits: Julia Keller, Janis Mazuch
Principal actors: Godehard Giese, Loretta Pflaum, Ronald Kukulies, Tinka FürstThis drama is about a 45-year-old marketing director (Godehard Giese) who gets fired from his position at a cosmetic company. Only during the painful process of dealing with this does he come to the realization that the job that he thought was his life, that he defined himself by, doesn't really have any meaning to him anymore. At the expense of other interests, family and friends he had kept occupying himself 24/7 with "marketing" and "sales reports". He has to awaken to the fact that he lost his passion for the profession and needs to re-orientate himself.
We are not made to feel empathy for Walter; he leaves us "cold". His standard of living doesn't appear to be threatened. He is smug and detached, and we learn as little about him as he probably knows about himself. Considering this lack, the interest in watching this film would normally wane. In Jetzt.Nicht. it doesn't because of the remarkably elegant production: outstanding cinematography and exquisite lighting design by Janis Mazuch and production design by Anna Bucher. Director Julia Keller did a fine job editing her debut feature film and tells her story without tediously spelling out everything. ( )