Argentina | Chile 2017
Opening November 30, 2017
Directed by: Cecilia Atán, Valeria Pivato
Writing credits: Cecilia Atán, Valeria Pivato
Principal actors: Paulina Garcia, Claudio RissiWhat do you do, when everything familiar suddenly disappears and you must adjust to a new life in a completely new place? This is the dilemma which the 54-year-old housekeeper and former nanny Teresa Godoy (Garcia) faces at the beginning of this slow, quiet, and pensive film. Teresa is forced to leave the home in which she has worked most of her life and travel to a new job as a housekeeper in a town 700 miles away. The house she used to look after has been sold and the young man she took care of is now grown up. During the journey to her new position, she misses a bus connection and then loses her suitcase. These circumstances compel her to take on new challenges and experiences. She tramps alone along a highway in a desert-like area in Argentina in search of her suitcase, meets strange people on the way, and has an unexpected amorous encounter with a trader (Rissi) that gives her pleasure but also consolidates her decision to remain single. The subtlety and gentleness of the movie and, in particular the romantic scenes, reflect the touch of the unusual duo who produced it, the two Brazilians Cecilia Atán and Valeria Pivato. ( )
American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
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