Germany 2019
Opening November 28, 2019
Directed by: Mariko Minoguchi
Writing credits: Mariko Minoguch
iPrincipal actors: Saskia Rosendahl, Edin Hasanovic, Julius Feldmeier, Emanuela von Frankenberg, Hanns Zischler
When Nora (Saski Rosendahl) and Aron (Julius Feldmeier) meet per chance at the underground train station they are immediately drawn to each other. For the young couple, it is love at first sight. But, their happiness is short-lived. At a bank robbery Aron is shot in front of Nora's eyes. This leaves her devastated; her young life is in ruins. At night she walks the streets in a stupor nearly run over by a speeding car. Suddenly, a strong hand pulls her to safety. It is Natan (Edin Hasanovic) who has been following her, watching from a distance. He seems to be caring and considerate. She is confused and lonely, eventually allowing him to console her. In time Nora gets to know his little daughter, who is terminally ill, and also learns of the difficulties with his girlfriend.
Nora constantly lives in at least two worlds. Memories of childhood are mixed with thoughts about Aron, of her past and possible future with him. But there is the odd feeling that she must have met Natan before, that she knows him. Who is he? He always appears when she needs help. Could it just be coincidence?
Mariko Minoguchi's debut film, for which she also wrote the script, unfolds from a tender love story into an emotional drama and a fascinating thriller. All three protagonists seem to be connected which adds additional mystery and tension. The action moves skillfully between different time levels, sensitively directed by Minoguchi. Saskia Rosendahl (Shooting Star, 2013) shows an impressive range of emotions, from tender love and excited happiness to depressing mourning and nagging uncertainty. There is always the question of Déja-vu. How does the past lead into the present. Small decisions can have life-changing consequences. Philosophical questions are open for discussion. Nora states: “Nichts ist für immer” (nothing lasts for ever), and Aron answers: “Alles ist für immer” (everything lasts for ever). (