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Events Calendar

Black History Month Film: "I Am Not Your Negro"

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Date/Time: Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 19:00 - 21:00




Celebrate Black History Month at the movies! Metropolis Kino offers a unique documentary about the renowned writer James Baldwin:
When the US writer James Baldwin died in December 1987, he left behind a 30-page manuscript entitled "Remember This House".

The book was intended to be a personal examination of the biographies of three close friends who were all murdered in assassination attempts: Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Medgar Evers.

Baldwin combines his personal memories of the three great civil rights activists with a reflection on his own painful life experience as a black man in the USA.

I Am Not Your Negro continues Baldwin's furious fragment in the spirit of the author and condenses it into a biting analysis of the representation of African Americans in US cultural history.

Each participant buys their own tickets. Contact Sara N. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you'd like to get together for coffee or dinner before/after the movie.

The movie is in English with German subtitles.

Watch the trailer


What: Black History Month Film: I Am Not Your Negro at Metro Kino

When: Wednesday, 5th Feb 2025 -19:00-21:00

Cost: Each participant buys their own tickets

Where: Metropolis Kino

Who can come: Members, partners and friends


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American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
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20104 Hamburg


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