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Events Calendar

Restorative Genealogy: Unveiling Black-American Family History

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Date/Time: Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 19:00 - 20:30


Building a comprehensive family tree can be daunting for any American.

Travel back a few generations and you’ll likely encounter research roadblocks like immigrant ancestors with anglicized names, female ancestors with unknown surnames, or an ancestor named John Smith. Still, theses records exist even if shrouded in confusion.

Not so for Black Americans, whose kidnapped and enslaved ancestors went largely unacknowledged on birth, marriage, and death documentation as well as national censuses before 1870. Too, the frequent sale and separation of family during slavery adds another layer of difficulty. While not impossible, following ones’ Black family back in time is an often frustrating and emotional endeavor.

Join us for a conversation with Stephanie M. Jones as she relates her search for ancestors and family lost over time. This event will be moderated by member, Ericka Bahner Seifried.

Please bring finger food to share + a pair of warm socks or toiletries (donation)


What: Restorative Genealogy

When: Tuesday, February 25th 2025 at 19:00

Where: Landesfrauenrat Hamburg

Cost: Event is free for members and their one guest.


Who can attend: Members and their guest


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American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
Postfach 13 04 05
20104 Hamburg


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