
For members: To register for an event, please log into your AWCH account and respond accordingly. If you realize you're unable to attend an event, make sure to update your RSVP before the sign-up deadline, or else you may be asked to pay for the event in full unless a substitute is found. If you're having issues RSVPing for events and activities, contact our Membership Chair at

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Events Calendar

Meet & Mingle and Local Charity Kick-Off

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Date/Time: Wednesday, April 09, 2025, 19:00 - 21:30

Meet and Mingle graphic no date


Join us for the first Meet & Mingle of the year and

our Kick-Off Event for our 2025 - 2026 Local Charity: Hinz & Kunzt!

These quarterly members' meetings are informal gatherings with a brief club update, an interesting program, 
and a social hour to chat with other members, our guests, and the AWCH board.



7:00   WELCOME - VP Kara Wahn
7:15   UPDATE - Club news
7:30   MEET - Irina M. and Gabi K. from Hinz & Kunzt
          (presentation in German and English) 
8:00   Q & A and future plans
8:15   MINGLE - Social hour with refreshments
9:30   FAREWELL - Until next time!

GIVE: We will be collecting monetary donations
toward drugstore gift cards, which will provide
the opportunity for homeless women to purchase
essential toiletry items (shampoo, soap, hygeine articles, etc.)

There are 130 women vendors at H&K, can we collect enough
to buy gift cards for each woman?


Charity Kick Off simple

Join us as we launch our collaboration with H&K. We will learn how to better understand and support the homeless in our community. Our contacts with H&K will share insights into the unique challenges homeless, especially women, face—beyond housing insecurity, they struggle with safety, access to healthcare, and the emotional toll of displacement. But most importantly, we’ll explore how we can take meaningful action to make a difference and give homeless the support and dignity they deserve.


When: Wednesday, April 9, at 19:00
Where: Landesfraunrat in Grindel
Who: All AWCH members
Cost: No fee! Donations welcomed.


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If you are a potential member and would like to attend this event as a guest, please contact the Membership Chair at


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American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
Postfach 13 04 05
20104 Hamburg


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