
For members: To register for an event, please log into your AWCH account and respond accordingly. If you realize you're unable to attend an event, make sure to update your RSVP before the sign-up deadline, or else you may be asked to pay for the event in full unless a substitute is found. If you're having issues RSVPing for events and activities, contact our Membership Chair at

Non-members: If you're interested in attending an event and joining the AWCH, please email our Membership Chair at

If members would like to submit an event for the calendar, please log into your AWCH account and click on the members-only section to access the Activity Form.

Events Calendar

Juneteenth: A Virtual Celebration

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Date/Time: Friday, June 19, 2020, 19:30 - 21:00


juneteenth event

Juneteenth: A Virtual Celebration Commemorating

The Emancipation from Slavery in America



Juneteenth: A Virtual Celebration Commemorating the Emancipation from Slavery in America

Our Juneteenth celebration emphasizes not only the timeless themes of freedom and perseverance, but also recognizes the unprecedented time we are currently living in. See the program below.

Entry is FREE, but a suggested donation of 5€ per household to support the following would be highly appreciated (click on link to donate):

Black Lives Matter


NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Southern Poverty Law Center

ACLU Nationwide

Campaign Zero

Black Visions Collective

Please register ONCE FOR EVERY SCREEN that you and your household will use so we have the correct number of screens to bring to Zoom.

REGISTER HERE with this link:

Juneteenth Virtual Celebration Registration

and we will send instructions on "how to join" via email by Thursday, June 18 to all those who register.

DO's and DON'TS:

Please DO share the registration link with everyone you know to register to attend the celebration. 
Please DO NOT share the joining details with anyone else, as there are a limited number of screens that we can have in the virtual waiting room(VVN). If  non-registered screens show up, it could prevent someone (including YOU!) who has registered from joining.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!


vocalists juneteenth


You are currently viewing a summary of this event as a website guest.  Members, please log in to see details such as location and contact/RSVP information.
If you are a potential member and would like to attend this event as a guest, please contact the Membership Chair at


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American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
Postfach 13 04 05
20104 Hamburg


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