
For members: To register for an event, please log into your AWCH account and respond accordingly. If you realize you're unable to attend an event, make sure to update your RSVP before the sign-up deadline, or else you may be asked to pay for the event in full unless a substitute is found. If you're having issues RSVPing for events and activities, contact our Membership Chair at

Non-members: If you're interested in attending an event and joining the AWCH, please email our Membership Chair at

If members would like to submit an event for the calendar, please log into your AWCH account and click on the members-only section to access the Activity Form.

Events Calendar

April Fitness Challenge

Download as iCal file  
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 10:00 - 10:30

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A dynamic 30-minute Total Body Workout that will make you stronger, more toned, and bring out the best YOU!  All levels are welcome.  Bring with you a positive attitude, stable chair, mat (or towel) & lights weights. (Remember those water bottles or books can double as a hand weight!)

Every Tuesday & Thursday  from 10:00AM - 10:30 AM on Zoom. You will also have access to a private video of the class.

Cost = A one-time *suggested Donation of €5 to support the AWCH Charity Hanseatic Help (*Please note that the donation is not mandatory and if you are unable to contribute at this time, you are still most welcome to join the class! )

Please sign up below and you will receive an email with a Zoom link for all the sessions. Remember to download Zoom on your device in advance.

TBW Class feedback:
  • Julia’s class is lots of fun. We do ‘old school’ exercises like sit ups, push ups and jumping jacks. I personally need a set date, time and group to motivate myself to get off my behind and do something.  - S.
  • "The perfect workout for those who don't work out! Music you know and love. Movements you can do without thinking you will die or break something. The session is over before you know it and still you feel it the next day" -Tricia, AIWC Cologne
  • My body is totally worked out after this 30min session, need more!” – C.



You are currently viewing a summary of this event as a website guest.  Members, please log in to see details such as location and contact/RSVP information.
If you are a potential member and would like to attend this event as a guest, please contact the Membership Chair at

Registrations are now closed

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American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
Postfach 13 04 05
20104 Hamburg


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