
For members: To register for an event, please log into your AWCH account and respond accordingly. If you realize you're unable to attend an event, make sure to update your RSVP before the sign-up deadline, or else you may be asked to pay for the event in full unless a substitute is found. If you're having issues RSVPing for events and activities, contact our Membership Chair at

Non-members: If you're interested in attending an event and joining the AWCH, please email our Membership Chair at

If members would like to submit an event for the calendar, please log into your AWCH account and click on the members-only section to access the Activity Form.

Events Calendar

Halloween Party

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Date/Time: Monday, October 31, 2022, 13:00 - 16:00

AWCH Halloween Party Visual with legs

Calling all goblins, ghosts, and creatures of the night
to the AWCH Halloween Party! 

We will be meeting at a spooky playground with some indoor facilities in Eppendorf (details below under location).
There will be a witch’s treasure hunt, pumpkin carving, games and crafts for all ages, and a costume contest! 

We will start the afternoon with lunch and ask everyone to bring a ghoulisious Halloween side
(e.g. potato or pasta salad, vegetable or fruit platter)
 or a wicked dessert (e.g. cupcakes or brownies) to share.
We will provide Bratwurst / Veggiewurst as well as water, tea, and coffee.
Feel free to bring your own juice or other drinks.

We'd love to have you join us for a fun time!

Please RSVP by Monday, October 24, 2022.  
Cost: All adults pay €5 but children are free (payable to AWCH at IBAN DE47 2005 0550 1502 5597 41)

When signing up, please indicate what you will bring for the lunch.

The number of participants is limited, so please sign up early to ensure your participation.

  For questions, contact Nanci S. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Holly T. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 By attending this AWCH event, there is a possibility that you will appear in group photos used on our digital channels and/or in our printed material. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please let the event organizer know ahead of time. Please note that photos of anyone under the age of 18 will NEVER be posted on our digital channels or in our printed material without the explicit permission of the parents


You are currently viewing a summary of this event as a website guest.  Members, please log in to see details such as location and contact/RSVP information.
If you are a potential member and would like to attend this event as a guest, please contact the Membership Chair at

Please sign-in to register 

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American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
Postfach 13 04 05
20104 Hamburg


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