Events Calendar

Auction Guidelines

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Date/Time: Saturday, November 14, 2020, 06:00

Auction Guidelines

Getting Started and Bidding


1. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:

 2. Set up an account with 32 Auctions.

If you do not already have a 32Auctions account, you will need to create one. Only your name and email address are required. You will get an email to confirm registration, which you need to approve (“Yes, finish creating my account”). (Your details will not be used for any other purpose than communication in relation to this auction.)

3. Request to participate in our auction.

Once back on the Auction homepage, click on the green button ‘View All Items’ to see all the available listings. To actually bid (starting Saturday, Nov. 14), you will need to click on “Request to Participate” at the top of the listings. This sends your request to our Philanthropy Team to approve your bidding in the auction (restricted to AWCH members). Once you have received email approval, you are SET TO GO! 

We have over 70 items (thanks to the generosity of our members & donors) and we have categorized them so that you can find them more easily:

Books / Christmas Decorations /Crafts / Food and Drinks / Gifts / Environment and Nature / Health and Fitness / Skills Training / Travel and Culture

 You can filter by category using the dropdown menu under “All Items" :


4. Most items are sold through the auction and will go to the highest bidder on Nov. 22. You can make either exact bids or proxy bids, or, in some cases, use the “Buy Now” option.

      • An exact bid is the amount you want the item's current selling price to become. If someone bids higher, your bid amount will not change, and you will be outbid.
      • A proxy bid allows you to enter the maximum amount you're willing to spend with the goal of winning the item at the lowest possible price. The system will bid for you, up to your maximum proxy bid amount, as additional bids are entered on the item.
      • Some items can be purchased immediately as “Buy Now”. Bidding is stopped and the item is yours. Don’t wait to buy these items—when they are gone, they are gone!


5. What happens when I place an exact bid or a proxy bid?

      • You will receive an email when you submit a bid that confirms your bid and lets you know if you're the leading bidder. 
      • You will receive an outbid email, if your bid is the leading bid and then someone outbids you.


 6. What happens when the auction finishes on November 22 at 6:00 p.m.?

      • Winning bidders will receive a final email of confirmation and with details to deposit the donations into the AWCH bank account. Payments must be made within one week.
      • As soon as funds are received, the transfer of items will be made.


7.  What happens when I use the “Buy Now” option?

      • You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours and directions to deposit the donations into the AWCH bank account. Payments must be made within one week.
      • As soon as funds are received, the transfer of items will be made.

Browse! Have a look around and good luck!



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American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.
Postfach 13 04 05
20104 Hamburg


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