You are joyfully invited to the first AWCH Meet & Mingle at Landesfrauenrat on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 19:00. This new quarterly members' meeting will be an informal gathering with a fun activity, a live member spotlight, a brief club update, and a social hour to meet with ...
AWCH is thrilled to host our region's annual meeting from November 3 - 5, 2023. Members of international women's clubs from Germany and Austria will be traveling to Hamburg, as well as FAWCO board members. We want to have a big Hamburg representation, so we hope you ...
Social hours are informal meet-ups planned by our members for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and anything in between! We're looking for members who would want to host one. You get to choose the time and location that best fits into your schedule. Our social hours are usually for ...
Exciting news, as members of FAWCO, we are now eligible to open a bank account with the State Department Federal Credit Union. Opening bank accounts are always so complicated for Americans abroad. However, SDFCU is a fantastic opportunity for those abroad and their families. All you need ...
It's time to work on your blocks for the 2024 FAWCO Friendship Quilt. Get your inner sewing queen on and make some beautiful appliqué flowers in fresh pinks and greens on a white background. If appliqué is not your strong suit you can sew a variation of ...
We have been invited by the US Consulate to co-host a USA booth at the German Unity Day celebration from October 2-3, which will be held in Hamburg this year. If you will be in town over that long weekend, please note the date on your calendar ...