Do you have a favorite charity in Hamburg that would benefit from our support?Every two years, AWCH selects a local charitable organization to support by sponsoring awareness events, promoting fundraising, and encouraging member involvement. The criteria for selecting a non-profit organization are outlined in our Philanthropic Giving ...
The next time you sign up for a paid event or renew your AWCH membership, be sure to update our bank account information when transferring your payment. Thank you!
Bank Name: Hamburger Sparkasse AG (HASPA)Account Name: American Women's Club of Hamburg e.V.IBAN: DE47 2005 0550 1502 5597 41BIC: HASPDEHHXXXQuestions? Contact our treasurer, Chris, ...
HH needs volunteers at their Help Stores!
In addition to our upcoming actions to pack school bags and sort clothes at the HH center on the Elbstrasse, we are looking for volunteers to man the new Help Stores, which distribute clothing and hygenic goods to Ukrainian refugees.
There are ...
Our virtual fitness mission starts on May 1st. We will traverse the US from sea to shining sea over a span of two months -- each mile gained by running, swimming, rowing, walking, or wahtever activity suits you best. To learn more about it and to register, ...