Over the next weeks, we'll be presenting the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are idealistic. Yet, it is completely realistic to make good progress, making the world a better place for everyone. The first 5-year mark is coming on September 15th. That means we just have ...
Congratulations to our FAWCO Rep Christine Riney on being recognized with a FAWCO Rep Appreciation Award! She has been the FAWCO Rep of AWCH since January 2019 and has done an amazing job of bringing FAWCO to our club. She has shown extraordinary dedication and invested creatively in ...
Your presence is requested at our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, January 26th. Besides our business agenda, there will be time for socializing, eating, and taking part in our silent auction. Please bring finger foods to share - either an appetizer or dessert that can be eaten without utensils. ...
For the past few years, we have nominated the Integrated Tribal Watershed Development Program in Maharashtra, India for a FAWCO Development Grant.
They were a recipient of a Development Grant in 2018 for a Tribal Kindergarten and only a few weeks ago for Trees for Sustainability.
Maharashtra is currently ...
At our Annual General Meeting on January 26, we elected our 2020 AWCH board members. Many thanks to the outstanding 2019 AWCH board members, and the fantastic work they did for our club and all our members. We're looking forward to a successful and productive 2020! ...