Germany 2014
Starts March 20
Directed by: Dietrich Brüggemann
Writing credits: Anna Brüggemann, Dietrich Brüggemann
Cast: Lucie Aron, Anna Brüggemann, Michael Kamp, Lea van Acken
Length: 107 minutes

Director Dietrich Brüggemann wants to explore the idea of what happens to a family when the ideology takes precedence over daily life. He says it becomes a form of psychological abuse and he also says that all different theologies have something in common when they become fanatical. He also explained that in most cases it is the woman who is the strong one and is pushing the religious beliefs on the others. He thought that the end of fundamentalism was going to end but in the United States there has been a major comeback. He said that listening to the radio and hearing the preachers and priests giving their daily sermons while at the same time condoning other religions is common practice. It is a brilliant film and was extremely demanding of the actors who had to get through 18 pages of text without a break. It was interesting to notice that the older actors had the hard time while Lea van Acken expressed very little stress while playing her role. Here is a film that will enlighten you on fundamentalism in religious beliefs.( )